Policy (and Other) Work
- “Can Government Spending Help to Escape Recessions?” with Regis Barnichon and Davide Debortoli, FRBSF Economic Letter 2021-02
- “COVID-19 over Time and across States: Predictions from a Statistical Model” with Paul Ho and Thomas Lubik, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Brief 20-10
- “The Highs and Lows of Productivity Growth” with Andrew Foerster and Lily Seitelman, FRBSF Economic Letter 2020-21
- “Forecasting the COVID-19 Epidemic for the U.S.” with Paul Ho and Thomas Lubik, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Special Report
- “Forecasting the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Fifth District” with Paul Ho and Thomas Lubik, Richmond Fed Regional Matters
- “Monetary Policy across Space and Time” with Laura Liu, Katerina Petrova and Jessie Romero, Richmond Fed Economic Brief 19-08
- “Moving Macroeconomic Analysis beyond Business Cycles” with Renee Haltom, Thomas Lubik and Fabio Verona, Richmond Fed Economic Brief 19-04
- “How Likely Is a Return to the Zero Lower Bound?” with Thomas Lubik and David A. Price, Richmond Fed Economic Brief 18-09
- “The Financial Crisis at 10: Will We Ever Recover?” with Regis Barnichon and Alexander Ziegenbein, FRBSF Economic Letter 2018-19
- “Are the Effects of Fiscal Policy Asymmetric?” with Regis Barnichon and David Price, Richmond Fed Economic Brief 17-09
- “The Natural Rate of Unemployment over the Past 100 Years” with Regis Barnichon, FRBSF Economic Letter 2017-23
- “Beveridge Curve Shifts and Time-Varying Parameter VARs” with Thomas Lubik and Andrew Owens, Richmond Fed Economic Quarterly, Third Quarter 2016
- “Are the Effects of Monetary Policy Asymmetric?” with Regis Barnichon and Tim Sablik, Richmond Fed Economic Brief 17-03
- “The Burns Disinflation of 1974” with Thomas Lubik and Tim Sablik, Richmond Fed Economic Brief 16-11
- “Time-Varying Parameter Vector Autoregressions: Specification, Estimation, and an Application” with Thomas Lubik, Richmond Fed Economic Quarterly, Fourth Quarter 2015
- “Calculating the Natural Rate of Interest: A Comparison of Two Alternative Approaches” with Thomas Lubik, Richmond Fed Economic Brief 15-10. Natural rate data
- “Practicing Dynare” with Francisco Barillas, Anmol Bhandari, Riccardo Colacito, Sagiri Kitao, Thomas Sargent and Yongs Shin
- “Learning about Fiscal Policy Uncertainty” with Tim Sablik, Richmond Fed Economic Brief 14-01